Get on Pint-cast and raise money for your club
The last year has been very difficult for all clubs. Our lives have been thrown up side down. The stories and criac we would normally have during the year have all but disappeared. The Pint-cast team want to try and bring these moments back and give normal people the opportunity to have the craic and tell the odd story or two.
We want to use the Pint-cast to help cash strapped to raise a little bit of money while having enjoyable chat and banter. It's been almost impossible for clubs to raise much needed funding this year, at our own club we have really struggled with this. So we are asking people to donate €2 after listening to a Pint-cast episode. €1.50 of this will go directly to the Pint-castee's nominated club with €0.50 going to cover the cost of financing and production.
How to get your club's stories on pintcast?
Complete the simple form below and one of the Pint-cast team will be in touch with you to get the ball rolling